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Call iRedTouch by URL

Due to special request, iRedTouch can now be started from other apps, especially Safari. If you tap on this link, Safari will close and iRedTouch will be opened.

If you'd rather like to open iRedTouch with a certain remote, this is also possible. For example, the following link will open the remote "Sony Main", however, because this will probably not exist on your iPad, the app will simply open but not show this remote.

CAUTION: The above links are special and will only work on the respective iPad with iRedTouch installed.

The html code looks like here:

<a href="iredt://">this link</a>

<a href="iredt://show?remote=Sony%20Main">Sony Main</a>

Please note that the space (" ") in "Sony Main" needs to be written "the html way". This same applies to special characters. If you know html, you will probably know how to "encode" ;-)