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Lousy image quality?

Are some images of remotes of lousy quality, even when you've put hires photos into your Photo Album?

Unfortunately this problem is due to iPhone's (and iPod touch's) image handling policy. As far as I found out, the iPhone will automatically scale pictures during import to a "perfect" size. Well, perfect for display in photo album is 480 x 640 pixel! This means that very tall photos of remotes are resized to become 640 pixels high at maximum. 

For example, I shot a photo of my Philips TV remote with high resolution. After cropping the image was 736 x 2932 pixels. After syncing to iPhone, the size has been changed to approx. 160 x 640. The result: the image used for the remote looks a little bit shabby:


The right screenshot shows the same photo in the Photo Album application zoomed in to fill the screen's width. You see that it's not a problem of iRedTouch but of the syncing process.


How can you improve that?

After some fiddling, I got this result:

What a difference! How did I do that?

The easiest way is to put your image onto a webserver where is is accessible in its original size. These are the steps:

  1. Put image onto a webserver, your webspace e.g.
  2. Open Safari on the iTouch and enter the image's URL
  3. Hold down your finger on the image until a popup menu appears
  4. Tap "Save Image" to save the image to your iTouch's Photo Album or tap "Copy" to put it on the clipboard
  5. Back in iRedTouch's Background Image page, tap "Photos" to find the image in your album or "Copy", respectively

These two screenshots shows step 3 and step 5:


Using a Templates server

If you have lots of remote photos and want to use them from within iRedTouch, you can also set up a Template Server. Please see the chapter "Set up a Templase Server"